Friday, February 3, 2012

I Molested The Sprinklers!

Yesterday I had a small amount of time in between my Husband's appointments. Perfect time to geocache is my mind set so off we go.  Went to the coordinates and at GZ was a FAKE sprinkler head!  You know the kind... the ones that if they were the REAL kind of sprinkler would pop up out of the ground.  I was so excited.  I bent down and unscrewed that thing and NOTHING.  It had been muggled.  So I slouched back to the truck and off we went to our appointment.

As we pull up to our appointment I noticed that business also had the same sort of FAKE sprinklers... then the light came on.  I went over and unscrewed that one... yeah it was the same. 

After I arrived home I emailed the owner of the cache and asked if the sprinkler was indeed the cache.... and I'm embarrassed to say he emailed me back and said... No but you're close...

What's the geocaching moral to this story?  Not ALL sprinklers are fake.

Until I blog again.

Happy Hunting/cito